Ethan Through the Lens

Woohoo! I'm very excited to share my latest shoot with you all. I've been wanting to do this shoot for a few months now, and after a couple of scheduling and model set backs, I finally found a team that was well worth the wait.

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The Best Is Yet To Come

Of Dreams and Magic

I came across this quote a few days ago and it hit me like a breath of fresh air. For the first time in months I felt like everything that I have been working towards would work itself out. Of course, I don’t know if this will hold true, but I’ve chosen to believe that there is something bigger out there that can make my dreams happen, and that perhaps the things that I am working so hard for will are already on there way to me.

For anyone else who is feeling a little less than magical during this cold winter season, I have posted this quote in the hopes of inspiring and encouraging you to keep pushing on now that we are in the new year. The best is yet to come!

And for those who don't believe me, here is Frank Sinatra to tell you himself. 


Alicia M. Blair

Before & After of Fabric Wings

Here we go!

Another before and after of a project I created back in 2013. Take a look and spread the word!

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Alicia M. Blair Photography Head Shot Rates & Availability!

To all of you dancers, actors, and artists alike, whether you are getting ready for audition season, launching your websites, or prepping promotional work, feel free to take a moment and check out my headshot rates and availability by following the link below.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!


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Portraits, Amigos, & Photo Shoots!

Portraits, amigos, and photo shoots! 

Happy Friday Everyone!

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Before & After for Silent Explosions

Happy Thursday Everyone,

Don't forget to take a moment to stop by my blog to see my latest Tuesday Transformation post on the making and re-edit of my series Silent Explosions.


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Monday Inspiration: Arthur O'Shaughnessy

“We are the music makers; we are the dreamers of dreams.”- Arthur O'Shaughnessy

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We Are With the Band

Getting to shoot footage of a band while they are performing on stage is a total high. As it turns out, 2nd AC can sometimes mean front row seats to awesome gigs. #2ndAClife 

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Campari Photo Shoot

Campari America

It was great experience to photograph and speak to the head honchos running the show over at one of the world’s most renowned spirits makers.

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Medici's Muse

Happy Thursday Everyone!

Don't forget to stop by my blog to check out my latest post on the making of my image "Medici's Muse".

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