Short Film Inspiration: Paperman

Paperman (2012)

Over the summer I took a Principles of Short Form writing class with a wonderful instructor named Tim Boxell. Over the course of seven weeks we watched various short films that were based on narrative storytelling. The films ranged from thirty seconds to twenty-five minutes long, but the purpose of the class was to learn how much information you can present to a viewer in a designated time frame.

The following film was and continues to be my favorite short film from this summer. I’m drawn to this film for various reasons; it’s a love story, it incorporates a bit magic, it’s in black and white, and because the main character reminds me of my little  brother.

From the moment I saw that string bean of a man on screen, I immediately thought of my little brother, Adrian, and I can’t help but smile each time I watch it.

The Adrian Check List:

-String Bean Body

-Dark Hair

-Bold Eyebrows

-Big Brown Puppy Dog Eyes

-Awkward Body Language

-Dorky Smile


All the character is missing are Adrian’s signature Harry Potter glasses from when he was young.

Director: John Kahrs

Music: Christopher Beck

I hope that you enjoy this cute romance as much as I did.

Alicia M. Blair