Everyone should take the time to watch the film“Labyrinth of Lies” (2014). The film is full of gorgeous cinematography, production design, and the acting is wonderfully sincere. This film gave me a new and much needed look at what WWII did not just to Americans, but to the German population as well, and specifically how it affected its younger generation post-war.
This film was both insightful & heartbreaking, yet aesthetically pleasing to watch.
Director: Giulio Ricciarelli
Cinematographer: Martin Langer & Roman Osin
Writers: Giulio Ricciarelli & Elisabeth Bartel
Editing: Andrea Mertens
Music: Sebastian Pille & Niki Reiser
Art Direction: Manfred Doring
Set Decoration: Janina Jaensch
Costume Design: Aenne Plaumann
Here is a selection of my favorite scenes from the film, but believe me that there are many more.

Watch it!
Alicia M. Blair