Will Smith
Will Smith is an American actor, singer, and producer. Some of his roles include Captain Steven Hiller from the movie Independence Day (1996), Jay in Men in Black (1997), and Muhammad Ali in the film Ali (2001), to name a few.
All it takes is for that one person to notice, for one person to take a chance and your whole world can change, but until then, we must continue to embrace the grind.
Happy first day of the semester, everyone!
Alicia M. Blair

Today marks the beginning of my last semester with the Academy of Art University. Fifteen weeks from now I will be a new university graduate ready to take on the world of Motion Pictures and Photography.
In honor of this event I decided to post a quote that speaks to something that I’ve been dealing with lately. How to find work and connections in these massive industries? Apart from the relentless working, producing, and networking that is required, this quote helped me remember that everything happens for a reason, and perhaps sometime soon I will find one of these life changing people.